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    9 July, 2023

    Exploring My Web Development Portfolio

    Take a little gander around my portfolio with me, uncovering all of its deepest and darkest secrets...

  • After a long development process, I've finally reached a point where I am delighted to release my newly revised portfolio! Along with being essential for showcasing what web development related project I have been working on, I have also taken the time to add some fun, personal touches to the application that I loved creating.

    Welcome Tour

    My portfolio currently consists of a minimal amount of pages but alas; expansion is inevitable. I have listed them all below with a little bit of documentation in case you get lost.


    The homepage is the part of the website that includes the most information, containing a biography and other personal content. There are also some stats showcased such as a total number of my inconsistent GitHub commits, and the amount of projects I have worked on.

    Be on the look-out for some green text, which you can hover and see the code behind how it's created like {this} one!


    Here is the juicy content, on the projects page you will be able to find a constantly-updating list of my completed projects. I have added short descriptions to each project, along with the technologies used. You can filter the projects by technolgoies used.


    I have added a blog where I can write down my thoughts and any web development related content. I can't say how often articles will be added, but be sure to bookmark it to keep up to date!


    The Listening page is my personal favorite, here you can view my currently listening song, recently listened to songs, top artists & top tracks. I'm sure it'd be more than possible to write a machine learning algorithm to track and learn what mood I am in depending on what songs I'm listening to!


    Use the contact page to get in touch with me for any reason. I'll be sure to respond within 24 hours of your contact request.


    The technologies used for kubs.uk was dictated by what I enjoy to use. My reasoning behind this was to speed up development, as well as making sure I have fun while I'm working on it. Enough of the talk, I've listed each of the (important) components of my stack below:


    Is this finally my time to express my love for React? I have been waiting for too long. React undoubtably has its flaws, but it holds a special place in my heart. I find developing with React.js instinctive, smooth, and most importantly, enjoyable! Since hooks were introduced I am yet to find an idea that I haven't been able to implement. I have had my eye on Svelte as it has been gaining popularity, but I am yet to test out implementation of my own, so React still holds the keys to my heart... for now.


    Next.js is by far my favorite React framework, and was a no brainer when I decided to use React for my JS framework. Not only does next.js allow for effortless server-side rendering, but also provides an hassle-free solution to encorperate for API routing, without creating a seperate express backend.

    Supabase (PostgreSQL)

    Supabase to me is akin to when you're a child and you get gifted that new toy that you've wanted for months. It is extremely easy to set up an instance, the web application is fast, and the documentation is pristine! I will definitely be using supabase for future projects.


    SCSS has been a staple in my stack for as long as I can remember. Since using SCSS, writing CSS has never felt the same. I have recently switched to dart-sass, which was a small but worthwhile learning curve.


    Vercel is a serverless hosting platform which is partnered with Next.js. Not only is Vercel free for my requirements, but it also requires next(.js) to zero configuration and is truely an awesome service.

    Future Content & Expansion

    That brings us to the end of the tour around my portfolio. This website is by no means a finished project, and more content will continue to be added! I am really excited for what is to come and what expansions are made in the future!